Ryan M Salon
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This salon in north Scottsdale was designed in a multistory building that was under construction when we began the design. WE worked with the architectural office for the shell on the patio to ensure the large slider doors were designed in the correct location for the patio to help save the owner cost not having to relocate the door system. This project had a lot of small details that required special attention such as the hvac system, exhaust connection and underground parking so plumbing had to be trenched in a specific manner to insure footing structural integrity was not compromised and that's what we do best. We have a great team to ensure that no matter where your project is located we'll find a way to make it work or if there is going to be an issue we'll tell you before we start the project so you're aware of any existing condition that might come up during the submittal process so you can determine if you should proceed or look for a new location saving you time and money whenever possible.